Amarjit Chopra, former President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), shared his views with ETCFO regarding recent instances where auditors have been debarred by the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) due to fraud and misconduct. Chopra emphasized the importance of holding not just auditors, but also promoters, CFOs, and other key management personnel (KMPs) accountable for corporate scams. ETCFO explored with finance veteran Amarjit Chopra how the cycle of responsibility should be managed to improve corporate governance. “Responsibility for any scam cannot be solely on the auditor. Real beneficiaries and preparers of the financial statements must be held accountable first,” said Amarjit Chopra.
Edited excerpts from Chopra’s interaction:
Q: In instances of NFRA debarring auditors due to negligence and fraud, should accountability extend beyond auditors? How can regulatory actions address the roles of promoters, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), and other key management personnel (KMPs) and directors implicated in such cases?
Amarjit Chopra: There is no denying the fact that an auditor is one of the pillars of corporate governance. Other pillars are promoters, directors, management, shareholders, and regulators. It is unfortunate that most of the time the finger in case of any corporate scam is pointed towards auditors alone. There is a need to look at the role of promoters in particular in any scam as they are the real beneficiaries. There is a need to bring in legal and regulatory reforms to act against them. They should be divested of any assets not only in their names but also all assets under their control. They should also be debarred from promoting any new companies and sitting on any board for a period of ten years.Similarly, the role of Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs), such as the Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, should come under scrutiny. There is hardly any talk of the role of these KMPs, primarily on the grounds that they are employees under the influence of promoters. But we need to appreciate that they provide all critical information to the auditors. If these officers connive with promoters to provide false /misleading information to the auditors, then they should be acted against first and then the auditors.
The directors, particularly independent directors who head the Audit and Risk Management Committee, have a crucial role to play in governance. If they compromise their independence or do not devote sufficient time to understand the complexities of the business and the financial statements, it is imperative to act against them as well. After all, some of the independent directors earn remuneration that is mind-boggling. The role of directors is not to simply attend board and committee meetings, chew cashew nuts and earn sitting fees. It extends much beyond that, including deciding the strategy of the business and asking probing questions to managements on critical issues. Q: Considering the complexities of corporate governance, what nuanced responsibilities should be attributed to resigning auditors? To what extent should their duties encompass fraud detection, resignation protocols, and post-resignation disclosures to stakeholders?
Amarjit Chopra: In the recent past, there has been a spate of resignations by auditors. Surprisingly, in certain cases, the resignations have come from auditors who had been issuing clean reports in earlier years for such clients. This is probably due to more stringent regulation of the profession in recent times by various regulators. Naturally, this should be a matter of concern to the regulators.As per the Companies Act 2013, resigning auditors are required to file ADT-3, giving reasons for their resignations. There is a need to conduct a study of such reasons. Certain auditors resigned on the grounds that those companies were not making information available on critical matters. Let the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) examine these cases to understand whether such information was required in earlier years as well,and if so, whether it was made available in those years. And if it was made available in earlier years, what could be the reasons for not making the same available in the year for which the auditors have resigned.
In certain cases, auditors have alleged frauds or fraudulent activities and informed the government under section 143(12) of the Companies Act 2013 and then resigned or expressed inability to continue as auditors in subsequent years.This appears to be a reasonable cause.In my opinion, wherever there is a resignation by the auditors, it should be made public, giving the exact reasons. Also, each resignation needs to be studied by SEBI and/or the MCA, and in case of suspicion with regard to the stated reasons, further information should be called for. The right to resign cannot be taken away from the auditors particularly where the information is not forthcoming from the company or where there is a complete breakdown of communication between the management and the auditor, or where due to increased workload due to increased turnover the auditors are insisting on enhanced remuneration which the management is unwilling to agree thereby making it unremunerative for the auditor to continue with the assignment.However, the resignation needs to be justified, giving all details.
Q: Within the regulatory framework, what is the extent of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’s (ICAI) jurisdiction in debarring Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) who are Chartered Accountants (CAs), especially in instances of auditor debarment? Furthermore, how should the ICAI address the accountability of CFOs who are not Chartered Accountants?
Amarjit Chopra: This is probably a tricky situation. The ICAI can act against its member in service if he or she is found to be negligent in the discharge of duties or other reasons e.g sharing of company’s data with competitors ,committing of fraud,bribery etc.The action may be based either on certain complaints by employer or some one else or information available in the public domain. The ICAI may remove the member’s name from its register for some period. It will be up to the company’s management to continue or discontinue the services of such a member as CFO. The Companies Act does not mandate that only a Chartered Accountant can be a CFO. Accordingly, where the CFO of a company is a non-Chartered Accountant, the ICAI has no jurisdiction over him or her.There is an urgent need for the MCA to stipulate that if any action is taken against any CFO by any regulator, he or she should be disqualified from acting as a CFO of any company for a period of 3 to 5 years. It may be relevant to point out that the RBI has stipulated that only a Chartered Accountant can be designated as the CFO of a bank, and to me, that is a welcome move.