A video clip from the Netflix series The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives is going viral on Reddit, sparking heated discussions among netizens. In the video, Sanjay Kapoor’s wife, Maheep Kapoor, passionately praises daughter Shanaya Kapoor and Janhvi Kapoor, patting their backs for being professionals who are earning a living at a very young age. However, the video has drawn criticism online, with many Reddit users labeling Maheep as ‘delusional’. They argue that the young actors benefit a lot from their family’s wealth and connections and are not really ‘on their own’. The clip has sparked a debate about the privilege star kids enjoy.
Maheep, enjoying a meal with daughter Shanaya and Janhvi, says in the video clip, “I’m proud of both of you. People don’t know, they don’t know! Whatever it is, you guys are out there, you’re on your own, you’re so young, working in the sun, killing it. It’s true.”
She goes on to add, “Yesterday there were babies, and suddenly she’s [Shanaya] talking about look tests, and she’s talking about, you know, my film is releasing, and they’re talking like adults. They’re earning at this age. A lot of girls her age are still under the mom and dad’s umbrella. She’s out on her own, and I have tremendous respect.”
One comment read, “All of us are doing this except without all this bucket full of privilege, travelling in local trains and barely getting paid enough to get by after having studied for years and years and actually developing a skill set.” Another read, “She’s out on her own”- she while having her favourite meal, on time, in her house, with her family.” Another user called out the privilege and wrote, “Yes Maheep, they’re out on their own. In chauffeur-driven, air conditioned luxury cars that they travel in to go meet people for work that they have easy access to thru their huge network of family and friends who are all already in the business, then attend Kathak and pilates class, and then come home to massive homes filled with staff looking after their every need, including making customized meals. Yes, they’re out on their own indeed.”
Shanaya Kapoor will make her acting debut with Mohanlal’s Pan-India epic action entertainer, Vrushabha.