The value of IPL as a business grew by 6.5 per cent to $16.4 billion (₹1,35,000 crore in 2024, as per a report released by investment bank Houlihan Lokey, Inc. on Wednesday. The stand-alone brand value of the IPL has been pegged at $3.4 billion (₹28,000 crore) up by 6.3 per cent to over the past year. The report stated this growth in valuation indicates “continued strength and global appeal of the league.”
In terms of franchises, with a brand value of $231.0 million, Chennai Super Kings (CSK) continues to be the most valued franchisee, achieving a growth of 9 per cent from the previous year. Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB), ranked second with a brand and business value worth of $227.0 million. IPL 2024 winners, Kolkata Knight Riders, saw the highest growth, with a 19.3 per cent rise from 2023, the report noted. Meanwhile, Mumbai Indians has been ranked fourth with a brand value S204.0 million, followed by Rajasthan Royals ($113 million) and Sunrisers Hyderabad ($132 million).
“The IPL has solidified its status as a premier sports league on the global stage, showcasing an exceptional blend of sportsmanship, entertainment, and commercial success,” said Harsh Talikoti, Senior Vice President, Corporate Valuation Advisory Services at Houlihan Lokey. “The league’s growth is not just in numbers but also in its innovative approach to engaging fans and leveraging digital platforms. This year’s increase in value underscores the IPL’s strategic initiatives and its robust fan base.”
“The eight legacy teams that have been a part of the IPL for a long time are now able to reap substantial profits from both the central pool’s income distribution and their own franchisee revenues from sponsorships, gate receipts, and merchandise sales. For the same reason, private equity investments have become increasingly prevalent in the IPL ecosystem in the recent years with CVC Capital and Redbird Capital acquiring stakes in IPL franchisees”, addedTalikoti/
Noting that the Tata Group has secured title sponsorship for the IPL for 2024-2028, for about ₹2,500 crore, up nearly 50 per cent from the previous deal, the report added that this, along with last year’s media rights auction, reinforces the IPL’s status as a pivotal platform for esteemed brands seeking to enhance their value.
The IPL has proved to be an: advertisers’ delight” and the most coveted asset in cricket. This year, advertisers ranging from fantasy apps, FMCG, fintech banks, and electronics all took advantage of the widespread appeal of the IPL by releasing new TV commercials, it noted.
The report pointed out that franchise revenue has seen a significant increase primarily driven by revenue from television rights, despite each team having sponsorship revenue ranging from $5 million to $12 million. For instanc : A major agreement was signed by Qatar Airways for around ₹175 crore for a three-year contract with Royal Challengers Bengaluru.